WEG and ARIS F.C. renew their sponsorship for season 2019-2020!

Aris F.C. and Topsystem Group renewed their sponsorship for WEG lubricants, which will sponsored in Kl. Vikelidis for the new season.

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Topsystem has renewed its partnership with the Mars football team for the 2019-2020 season.

Last year’s excellent collaboration, where the Group advertised WEG Lubricants on LED screens, was renewed this year as well. So the two big shareholders, Mr. Karipidis and Mr. Topsis, having had previous trade relations, having worked in the past in other trade fields, did not delay for a minute and signed the new season again.

Already, the advertisement in LEDs, played in the first qualifier game against Apollon Limassol where Aris did a big ticket sold out!

We wish you all the best for FC Aris in the new football season with the support of WEG Lubricants!

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